Symbio is fermentation at work

At Symbio, we develop solutions for the future of food, helping people reduce waste and unlock flavor through fermentation.

At our most basic, we’re a consulting company, but we do much more than that. We help companies transform waste into value-added products, finding unconventional solutions to big problems. We blend new science with traditional techniques to make delicious food that’s better for people, the planet and our future.

Our team

Elliott Notrica


  • Elliott founded Symbio as an extension of his lifelong passion for food. While working in restaurant kitchens, he became fascinated with fermentation and the power of microbes to transform what we eat. He started Symbio as a way to explore microbial transformation more in-depth, and help food companies incorporate it into their arsenal of tools.

  • Elliott studies all aspects of food fermentation, with special interest in filamentous fungi. Other interests include the use of fermented foods for enhancing cognitive performance.

  • Elliott’s favorite fermented foods are kimchi, jun (honey kombucha), and sourdough bread.

Interested in learning more about Symbio? Curious about working with us? Schedule a meeting with Elliott!

A diversity of microbes power our solutions to food waste, fueled by our in-house research and product development. Explore below:

Our technology


Powered by Lactobacillus spp, creates the sour flavor characteristic of pickles, sourdough and more.

Image © 2018 Dr. Horst Neve, Max Rubner-Institut, reused under CC BY-SA 3.0 DE.

Koji fermentation

Powered by Aspergillus spp., the fungi behind soy sauce, create incredible umami, convert starches to sugar and more.

Ethanol fermentation

Powered by Saccharomyces spp., create flavorful wines, spirits and vinegars.

Acetic fermentation

Powered by Acetobacter spp., the fungi behind vinegar, create aromatic shrubs, kombuchas, vinegars and more.

These are just a few of the many organisms we work with. Contact us to learn more and explore how we can apply them to your needs.

Our Process


We begin by identifying points of waste production, then research microbial solutions to convert the waste into value-added products.

  • We begin by analyzing academic research from across disciplines to understand research precedents and existing data. Our comprehensive review may include consultation with subject-matter experts.

  • In addition to academic literature, we research relevant safety concerns related to the specific waste product, carrying out laboratory microbiological and toxicity testing if necessary.

  • If needed, we will analyze the waste product to batter understand the biochemical constituents. This may include chromatography, spectroscopy and other testing.

  • Next, we compile a report presenting possible options for use of the waste product. We then work closely with the client to decide upon a development plan.

Development & testing

We work closely with the client to develop a product formulation and production method, leveraging laboratory testing and client feedback to ensure top quality.

  • Based on our initial research, we develop a product formulation. We focus on low-capital processing methods and minimal inputs.

  • Various product formulations undergo laboratory testing and analysis for safety and quality attributes. Additionally, sensory testing is completed to ensure acceptance and quality.

  • Based on the results of testing, we modify and refine the product formulation in close collaboration with the client. Our rapid iteration process allows for many refinements and improvements over a short timeframe.

  • Once a formulation is finalized, the production process is refined to maximize efficiency. A report is compiled with detailed production processes and formulations.

Production and scaling

We work with our clients to develop a plan for production and scaling of the fermented product, either within their existing facilities or through a third-party.

  • We develop a comprehensive, detailed production plan including necessary safety documentation.

  • We work with the client to either integrate production within their current capabilities, or outsource to a third party. Additionally, necessary training is provided to production personnel.

  • We provide supervisory services including testing for quality control, to maintain product integrity and safety.